New Hope

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Lenten Devotional Day 23

Lenten Devotional
By Pastor Tom Bridges


Scripture Reading:

Isaiah 40:31

For those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint.


This is my favorite passage in the Old Testament for a few different reasons. One is the imagery of soaring high, on wings like eagles. I served in the 101st Airborne Division, and our nickname is the Screamin' Eagles. Since that time, I've been fascinated by the incredible power, strength, and beauty of the eagle.

The passage also holds special meaning for me, as it helped me get through a tough situation. When I was in Airborne school, I got the flu the night before a critical run had to be completed. If I did not complete the run with my class, I would have to repeat the entire week's training (trust me, I did NOT want to repeat a week of grueling training). That morning, I was sweating profusely, and didn't see any possible way I could keep pace with my class for the 3 mile run. But as I started, I began saying the words of this verse over and over. As my left foot hit the pavement, I said: "Run and not grow weary'" and as my right foot hit the pavement, I said (under my breath) "Walk and not faint."

It was only the power of God that got me through that morning. I was sick as a dog. But I leaned on the power of prayer, on the power of Scripture, and on the power of the Holy Spirit, and God was good. And God still is!


Lord, Help us to lean upon you for strength; may we run and not be weary, may we walk and not faint.

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