New Hope

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Lenten Devotional - Day 33

Lenten Devotional
By Jeff Sheffer


Scripture Reading: 

John 11:41-43
So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, “Father, thank you for hearing me.  You always hear me, but I said it out loud for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me.” Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!”


 Leading up to this moment in which Jesus raises his friend Lazarus from the dead, things were contentious for Jesus.  He had several confrontations with people, even those who had seen him do miracles, yet find other reasons to not believe he is the Messiah sent by God.  Not only do they not believe, but they are plotting to kill him.

I don't know about you, but I often get in the way of God's work in my life.  I get wrapped up in working on and fixing the problems I face that I tend to forget whose I am.  I love the adage that says "work as if it all depends on me and pray as if it all depends on God".   If you are familiar with this quote you know it is credited to St. Augustine and that I worded it wrong.  Prayer comes first.  But I quoted it the way that most often reflects my own actions.  Honestly, sometimes not only do I work first, I omit the prayer.

I could easily fit into the crowd surrounding Jesus as he raises Lazarus.  Jesus says out loud for all to hear, "Father, Thank you for always hearing me…"  This verse serves as a good reminder to me to pray because Jesus is the Messiah and the Holy Spirit that dwells in me is my connection to the power, might, and glory of the Father. 

This season of prayer that pastor Vicki is leading us into is so important to New Hope and I don't want to get it backwards.  Would you join me in flipping the adage to start with "Pray as if it all depends on God”?

Holy Spirit, You are welcome here
Come flood this place
And fill the atmosphere
Your glory God
Is what our hearts long for
To be overcome
By Your presence, Lord


Father, Thank you for hearing me.  Let my thoughts and prayers be acceptable to you.  Lord, my prayer is not that you hear us, my prayer is that we hear you.  Lord, let your Holy Spirit increase in our lives.  Speak to us and guide us in the way that you would have New Hope move forward to reach and win more people for the glory of your kingdom.  Amen.

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