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Lenten Devotional Day 22 "Nothing Can Silence The Song"

Lenten Devotional
By Debby Cumbie: Nothing Can Silence The Song

Scripture Reading:

Acts 16:23,25

After they had given Paul and Silas a severe flogging, they threw them into prison. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.


There is something deep and powerful about music. It can motivate. It can praise. It can spark gratitude, peace and joy in a way that few things can. It is no wonder that music is so intricately woven through the history of our faith.

As we read the passage above from Acts, we see how Paul and Silas were so convinced that they would not die, but live, that – even in prison, even in the middle of the night – they sang. Nothing can silence the song of love.

I am reminded of a song that has been so much on my heart lately that I find myself singing it over and over, silently in my head. I sing it as my prayer many times every day. If Stuart, our Tech Arts director, were recording this as a mission video, I would sing it for you; but I think that the words to the song are impactful enough to touch your hearts and minds during this season of Lent. I know that the lyrics will linger long after this singer is gone! Truly, nothing can silence the song of Love!

So I close with the words to “Looking Through His Eyes” as our prayer:

“Let me see this world, dear Lord, as though I were looking through Your eyes.
A world where people don’t want You Lord; but a world for which You died.
Let me kneel with You in the garden. Blur my eyes with tears of agony;
For if once I could see this world the way You see, I just know I’d serve You more faithfully.
Let me see this world, dear Lord, through Your eyes when men mocked Your Holy Name.
When they beat You and spat upon You, Lord, let me love them as You loved them just the same.
Let me stand high above my petty problems, and grieve for people, hell bound eternally;
For if once I could see this world the way You see, I just know I’d serve You more faithfully.”

Words and music by Mike Otto; copyright 1979 by John T. Benson Publishing Company

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